Wednesday, November 30, 2011

duration expectancy of party next to alcoholic cirrhosis?

Not good. Not long.
not worthy.
1 year and half ago I have 80% liver damage and the doctor told me that the liver have regenerating properties .interesting memo ,dr. said that if you even cut it in partly it will in time grow more mass I don't know what shape mine's within now but I haven't have a drink in that time and it should be much better.
beside complete cirrosis that property isn't there I don't reflect on. quitting drinking is of course the solely way to buy time but it will be the hardest entity they will ever do. also added to the addiction they have built ,alcohol can't be processed so what used to bring a bottle can be done in a shot.
its up to him
beside complete cirrhosis ,not a good situation
It is difficult, even for doctors, to narrate you what your life expectancy will be. Every party is different and so is their organism. Some people can overpower all the probability, and some cannot.
Quitting alcohol and changing your diet, can do wonders. Lots of veggies, fruits and grain, reduce meat intake as much as possible and exercise (just a brisk hike, for 1/2 hour every day can plan a lot!) and your body will thank you the best road it knows how: by recuperative itself.

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