Wednesday, November 30, 2011

itchy throat?

For the past three days the inside of my throat is so itchy I perceive like shoving something down here to scratch it so i can be relieved of this.i hold coughing as though maybe that will relieve the problem, but it doesn't. I am on antibiotics to prevent infection from a bleak cut I got from a broken cup beaker in the chem lab at academy, so I don't think this is bacterial. But, is a exceptionally itchy throat accompanied by no other symptoms, a sign of anything? I purely want this to stop! I haven't slept in three days! Either a recoil to the current antibiotics is manifesting or you requirement a antihistamine like Benedryl.
The one and only advice you should listen to when it comes to medical matter or legal matter is see a professional. A Doctor is the only not detrimental answer and right answer to your question.
Sometimes it's a sinus infection that cause post nasal drip and the drip irritates the throat making it itchy.
Sounds like an it to an allergist.or do saline gargles and vicks
Go see a doctor. He or she will let somebody know you exactly what is wrong and tell you what you entail to do to fix it. You probably have strep throat.

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