Wednesday, November 30, 2011

LIST contained by ORDER the most celebrated strength concerns for the 'average' individual.?

so many diseases.. so plentiful problems a person could enjoy - i'm curious as to what is actually something that a temperate person should focus on combating. extra credit for a % of race who dont have a disease or unexpected something or other. LIST most common problems/concerns. Thi biggest killer of otherwise healthy folks are heart attacks and stroke, followed by cancer, then any number of inflammatory diseases and diabetes. Looking at the through risk factors for these, and especially which factor put you at risk for more than one, is a good approach to go something like deciding what to focus on:
High blood pressure
High LDL, low HDL (cholesterol)
Poor diet
Lack of exercise.
Take perfectionism of these, and you cut your risk of serious disease over 50%, increase your lifespan, and more importantly, increase the number of years of health.
High blood pressure
High colesteral
Developing Allergies
Skin problems/skin cancer
Just General Health Concerns for the average creature to watch for
High Blood Pressure
Heart Disease
1. doesn't belief surrounded by God
2. believes man is superior
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  • List four stages of guidance of trauma long-suffering?

    Settings = ER doctor/ Resident/ Intern
    List four stages of management of trauma forgiving and give a brief description of respectively.
    thank you. Airway--maintain patent airway next to intubation if necessary
    Breathing--check Lung Sounds, be paid sure sounds are equal bilaterally--
    Circulation-monitor BP, blood volume, start two large-bore IV or get internal line access
    Reassesment-keep checking! Trauma patients can decompensate. the airways of any hindrance
    2.make sure the human being is breathing
    3.try to maintain the blood pressure any by giving medication or restricting blood loss by applying pressure to the site of bleeding etc.
    4.dont let the individual fall asleep.may jump into coma

    catalogue at smallest 20 isotopes surrounded by medication enclosed space and state the funtion of respectively isotopes?

    How do you expect to learn anything if you ask others to do your homework for you?
    No wonder nearby are so many quacks out in that in the corral of medicine! They didn't cram anything!
    All elements present in the body are isotopes. But none are radioactive.
    Please see the webpage for the record of isotopes and their medical applications.

    Liquen Plano??traduction needed?

    I was diagnosed liquen plano (in spanish) which is approaching a skin rash/eruption. What is the name within english for this disease?
    take a look at the knit. Most likely it's Lichen Planus. type it into the look into box, and you should get the translation

    Line of treatment for a scorpion sting surrounded by a infant when Anti scorpion serum not available /?

    hospitals / medical stores from where Anti scorpion serum is available surrounded by Hyderabad (A.P) India? Firstly,don't make it worse, by.
    -cutting the skin and squeeze out the toxin (it will lead to more nippy distribution of venom into the circulation) .
    -rubbing the artificial skin (this too lead to speedy distribution).
    [but make sure the rime pack is not big enough to result in the infant got hypothermia (low body temperature)].
    I believe applying ice pack is righteous,to relieve the pain and slow down the circulation contained by the affected nouns.
    Apply fresh onion juice
    I dated a guy who's parents sent him to Haiti as a teen and they would PEE (urinate) on themselves at the sting (right away), which sounds really strange conceivably that is why I remember it so okay

    stripe of time of antidepressives?

    The least amount of time, would other be better. It would generally depend on the Physciatrist perscribing them. If you are referring to how long it take to be effective, most lug 6-8 weeks to get to a invigorating level on the average.some steal longer or quicker depending on the type and the person. Remember that antidepressants don't cure anything.they are a supplement to hold, while you are working on your issues. You can actually raise chemical brain functioning by positive thinking!
    its all bullshlt
    In my experience, the effects are noticable after 3-4 months. If the drug is a serotonin uptake inhibitor, the effect will verbs to improve into the second and third year. You will be much happier, much more outgoing, much more pleasant to be around. Its so gradual, you are not apt to make out, but your casual acquaintences will. At the right dose, side effects are nill. You a short time ago don't get agitated as confidently, not as paranoid, bitter, aggressive.

    duration expectancy of party next to alcoholic cirrhosis?

    Not good. Not long.
    not worthy.
    1 year and half ago I have 80% liver damage and the doctor told me that the liver have regenerating properties .interesting memo ,dr. said that if you even cut it in partly it will in time grow more mass I don't know what shape mine's within now but I haven't have a drink in that time and it should be much better.
    beside complete cirrosis that property isn't there I don't reflect on. quitting drinking is of course the solely way to buy time but it will be the hardest entity they will ever do. also added to the addiction they have built ,alcohol can't be processed so what used to bring a bottle can be done in a shot.
    its up to him
    beside complete cirrhosis ,not a good situation
    It is difficult, even for doctors, to narrate you what your life expectancy will be. Every party is different and so is their organism. Some people can overpower all the probability, and some cannot.
    Quitting alcohol and changing your diet, can do wonders. Lots of veggies, fruits and grain, reduce meat intake as much as possible and exercise (just a brisk hike, for 1/2 hour every day can plan a lot!) and your body will thank you the best road it knows how: by recuperative itself.

    natural life expectancy of a kidney transplant?

    20 years after transplanting
    My husband's mother had a kidney transplant for 20 years. She concluded up passing away from liver disappointment, but the kidney was still working.

    oil lamp near a magnafiying cup, you see them on TV but what are they call?

    Loupes are the magnifiers mounted on the forehead:
    Magnifying Lamps are desktop devices:
    Handheld magnifying lamp use batteries and fit into a pocket or purse:

    Korean recent article on vascular inflammation and arteriosclerosis?

    Believe is from Korea University and published in apharmacology JOURNAL what's the give somebody the third degree?
    Takyasu's Arteritis, Giant Cell arteritis, and Temporal Artery Inflammation come to mind, but are rare here contained by the USA. Burger's Disease which affects mostly male childlike smoker's is the most common contained by the USA. PEACE, TJ

    know any tentative mehtods for sperm count except using the neubauer chamber?

    A coulter counter can count cells so I see no sense why this couldn't be used.
    I believe the manual method remains for two reason. An automated procedure would likely result contained by reduced reimbursement, and at the dilution necessary for auto counters, within wold be a significant error introduced by WBCs and epithelial cells, assuming RBC's be lysed beforehand.
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  • Kindly provide a chronicle of gastroentrologists working contained by bangalore, india.??

    Contact details with e-mail ego will be helpful Contact Indian Medical Association Banglore Branch
    Or call round
    it would be better if u check it out in a directory

    Kidney Question?

    Can someone please explain the use of 'clearance' methods to quantify kidney excretory fuctions? - Inulin and Creatinine clearance to estimate GFR and PAH to estimate renal plasma flow?
    Thank you in credit. any clinical and laboratory proceduredesigned to evaluate various aspectsof renal (kidney) dimensions and efficiency and to aid contained by the diagnosis of kidney disorders. Such tests can be divided into several category, which include (1) clearance tests that contribute an estimate of the filtration rate of the glomeruli, the principal filtering structures of the kidneys (see inulin clearance), and overall renal blood flow (see phenolsulfonphthalein test); (2) concentration and dilution experiment, whereby the specific gravity of urine is determined at regular timeintervals following water restriction or ample water intake, to method the capacity of the kidneys to conserve hose down; (3) visual and physical nouns of the urine, which usually includes the recording of its physical characteristics such as colour, total volume, and specific gravity, as powerfully as checking for the abnormal presence of pus, hyaline cast (precipitation of pure protein from the kidney tubules), and red and white blood cells; proteinuria, thepresence of protein contained by the urine, is often the first nonstandard finding indicative of kidney disease; (4) determination of the concentration of various substances within the urine, notably glucose, amino acids, phosphate, sodium, and potassium, to support detect possible impairment of the specific kidney mechanisms in general involved with their reabsorption.
    In accessory to clinical and laboratory tests, the use of X-rays and radioisotopes is also expensive in the diagnosis of kidney disorders (see urography).

    kidney donor complications?

    usually there are no donor complications. Go to for more information.
    My husband received a cadavaric kidney on Oct.30, 2005 I am approach familiar near transplant.
    That is not a complete sentence. Maybe your next query should be in the English clause and ask, "Will some one explain sentence structure to me?"

    ketamine and xylazine contained by dog?

    howmuch the dose of ketamine&xylazine in dog It depends on what you are using it for.
    1) Technically you necessitate to be a veterianrian to adminster these medications.
    2) Some doses will anthestize and others will sober, others will kill
    3) Access to these medication is restricted by the DEA. You cannot get them, even next to a prescription to adminster on your own.
    based on 1, 2, and 3 I cannot provide a dose, as you would KNOW the dose if you have proper authorization to use Ketamine and Zylazine in dogs.

    ketamine and xylazine within dog?

    howmuch the dose of ketamine&xylazine in dog t depends on what you are using it for.
    1) Technically you inevitability to be a veterianrian to adminster these medications.
    2) Some doses will anthestize and others will serious, others will kill
    3) Access to these medication is restricted by the DEA. You cannot get them, even near a prescription to adminster on your own.
    based on 1, 2, and 3 I cannot provide a dose, as you would KNOW the dose if you have proper authorization to use Ketamine and Zylazine in dogs.

    publication on cardiac tamponade?

    integragurl. plz help me out again. !
    & other knowledgable ppl out at hand. Sounds like something a womanly would use to stop the bleeding from a broken heart.
    what is your question
    2 pts

    magazine on ARDS?

    plz gimme the site where i would promising find journal on acute respiratory distress syndrome.
    plz knowledgable ppl out near. help me out!! I found several
    I found a bunch more, consent to me know if you need them

    job for pharmaceutical sale representatives contained by the US for non US residents?

    has be working as a pharmaceutical sales representative(Sanofi-Aventis) for 5 years, within good standing, have been voted as Number 1 Sales representative 2005 for have garnered more than 200% sale on Xatral, Solian, Tramal and Actonel Meds.Has been maintain monthly quotas.fluent in english style. have polite rapport with doctors and designated clients. sounds close to you have it made! Good luck!

    I’m trying to find out if within hold be any studies where on earth humans hold lived on vitamins alone?

    vitamins, studies Although I don't know of any I think that it would not work. Vitamins are chemical compounds that play prominent roles in the bodies biochemistry but they don't supply you much energy or protein. The body requests readily available force from sugars, carbohydrates. Energy can also be produced by metabolism of fats and oil. The body also needs protein to replenish proteins contained by the body. Vitamins also don't normally include minerals such as iron, zinc, sodium, calcium, manganeese and magnesium. Even if you have multivitimans with minerals you would still have need of energy and proteins. Your body also wishes some bulk to your food for continuing health of the digestive system.
    I doubt particularly much if there hold been any such studies. First, they would be immoral, as no-one can survive on vitamins alone. The esssential requirement for nutrition is calories, and most vitamins do not supply many calories. Plus, in need protein and fats, unadulterated heath problem go on.
    The studies have other failed since the ancestors participating died!
    Considering the fact that family have be in a coma for months and months and enjoy only be provided with glucose and vitamins through a drip, i would say-so, certainly, -yes.
    I dream up Onra's answer is bogus. They give you more than that when you're within a coma. They give you formula, similar to a baby's.
    For vitamines D, E, K and A you necessitate fat to catch them into the blood stream (for others you need water). So you can't live with the sole purpose on vitamines!

    Iwant to write a few research papers surrounded by Medicine. I hold the background but am ignorant of the elementary biostatisti

    Can you help me to enhance my comprehension in biostatistics or suggest me few free sites to serve my purpose. How you use statistical tools to analyze your facts depends entirely on what kind of information you have and the question you are trying to answer with your information. Some kinds of facts lend themselves to descriptive analysis, in which you summarize your findings near means, medians, standard deviations, etc. Other background are suitable for formal hypothesis testing, which call for the application of statistical tools such as t-tests, analysis of variance, linear regression, multiple regression, proportional hazards modeling, duration table analysis, etc. Ideally, the preparatory phase of a research project would include a consultation with someone habituated with biostatistics since the data are ever collected.
    However, you can get a start by going to the following website:
    You will learn abundantly in a short time of year of time by going there. But think twice! Application of statistical tools in biomedical research is not a cookbook operation. You would be all right advised to consult next to someone knowledgeable, who can inspect your notes and offer warning about how to analyze them. Such a character can also help you interpret the results of any statistical carrying out tests you do. This is not always straightforward; misinterpretation of information and their analysis will lead to damp squib to get your papers published, at best, or worse, the misleading of the medical community and the broad public about potentially serious issues.
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  • Iwant to integrated medical arts school within USA or India.How can i bring back through?

    Iam from KENYA if anyone can help please hel me Go for some teaching consultancy agents ,
    you need to apply to them

    I've search repeatedly and unsuccessfully for a Port Townsend psychiatrist who died after a bicycle chance

    This was sometime between 1999 and 2001, I believe. I'm trying to go and get his name and any website that list it. The reason I'm asking is that I looked-for to know if it was an aneurism or blood clot that kill him after he was medivaced to a Seattle hospital--perhaps Harborview. I would contact the rag there. They would own all of the information you want. I think you can even do it over the internet. Or, contact their police department since they would enjoy had to do a few things in the region of the event.

    I've have a productive for 6 months. no other symptoms?

    last time I go to the doctor she said I had no "clinical symptoms (is that i believe she said." it's just grotesque because every day i hold periods of time where on earth i'm coughing and its especially after I laugh. Any thinking? Should I get a chest x-ray? I don't own asmtha (at least I thought I didn't) I be also thinking it could be allergy-related? But I never had any of those any (but I know you can develop them) You're worried about pneumonia? Chest X-ray would answer that, but short any other symptoms other than a cough it's probably unlikely. The reality that it's been around for 6 months and you haven't gotten any worse (you haven't, right?) is a worthy sign. Acute asthma exacerbations can often be cause by laughing. Coughing worse at night? Allergies can sit higher than that and make it worse. Have you be around any high-risk individuals for TB? Been out of the country? Anyone nearby who be recently within prison, or an old-folks' home? Do you smoke? Ever coughed up any blood? When was the second time you went to the doctor? If you've have the cough for 6 months, they should at least try something--antihistamines if they assume it's allergies, albuterol inhaler if they think it's asthma, a PPD testing if there is a possibility you enjoy TB, definitely chest X-ray if in attendance is any likelihood of a lung mass.
    Definitly own a chest X-Ray done . Better safe than sorry

    I've get an Italian graduation contained by dentistry, what I own to do to work within the USA as a dentist?

    Do I have to take any qualification or piece of paper (document)?
    Do I own to pass an exam?
    How does it work? newly go and lug a toefl exam to show that u really know the english and then look for a place which will adopt u as a dentist easy to find out.
    probably you should get hold of some kind of liscence

    Ive get a BIG microbiology oral exam on tuesday just about virus, how do I study?

    I NEED some study tips. HELP! I would try use an outline form to order the types of virus you need to know, using the Baltimore classifications. This should minister to you see the bigger picture.
    I would get past its sell-by date internet and find some buddies to study with. Discussions do give support to a lot surrounded by difficult classes.
    Use note cards or read respectively chapter individually. Try teaching it to someone if you can explain something to someone else you know it.
    1- Don't hang around until TWO days before your try-out to begin studying if the oral exam is that big of deal.
    2- Get stale the internet. Get a quiet nouns by yourself or with some study buddies and find to reading and asking each other question.
    bit too late to ask that request for information

    Its true that orgasm can front to halt of testosterone level within blood?

    I have never hear of that feedback mechanism and I am not sure it make logical sense. I can see where someone might suppose it though - our sexual drive is temporarily happy; testosterone is responsible in both sexes for sex drive. But no, hormone level do not decrease.
    I do know that after orgasm oxytocin is secreted which certainly promotes our interest in mortal close and some cases, snooze.
    Our bodies are amazing!
    No, not at adjectives.

    Its inner (visceral) membrane forms fragment of the filtration membrane.?

    I can choose from the following: afferent arteriole, arcuate artery, arcuate vein, collecting duct, distal convoluted tubule, efferent arteriole, glomerular medication, glomerulus, interlobar artery, interlobar vein, interlobular artery, interlobular capillary, loop of Henle, peritubular capillaries or proximal convoluted tubule.
    Thanks terribly much for helping with this. =) I guess your're chitchat about the nephrons contained by the kidney. the filtration membrane or barrier is made up by the crypt membrane or lamina and primary and secondary processes of the podocytes(that form filtration pore) However the visceral membrane (are you conversation about the arteriole) does not feat as a barrier as it is fenestrated.

    itchy throat?

    For the past three days the inside of my throat is so itchy I perceive like shoving something down here to scratch it so i can be relieved of this.i hold coughing as though maybe that will relieve the problem, but it doesn't. I am on antibiotics to prevent infection from a bleak cut I got from a broken cup beaker in the chem lab at academy, so I don't think this is bacterial. But, is a exceptionally itchy throat accompanied by no other symptoms, a sign of anything? I purely want this to stop! I haven't slept in three days! Either a recoil to the current antibiotics is manifesting or you requirement a antihistamine like Benedryl.
    The one and only advice you should listen to when it comes to medical matter or legal matter is see a professional. A Doctor is the only not detrimental answer and right answer to your question.
    Sometimes it's a sinus infection that cause post nasal drip and the drip irritates the throat making it itchy.
    Sounds like an it to an allergist.or do saline gargles and vicks
    Go see a doctor. He or she will let somebody know you exactly what is wrong and tell you what you entail to do to fix it. You probably have strep throat.

    It is said that the virii of commoncold mutates everytime, as it invades into a host. How the mutation occur?

    Pls explain me clearly. i dont know if those viruses mutate EVERYTIME, but contained by general, viral nucleic tart molecules are very susceptible and are expected to undergo mutation. this in some measure caused by the simplicity of the molecules itself. they dont own proof reading activity( like we human and complex organisms have) and they lack stabilisation proteins to bind to the molecule hence the frequency of the mutation.
    selective evolution and mutation within order to ensure the survival of an living organisum, as in good health as adaptation thru breeding cause by selective adaptastion to medications, during it's spree to become the perfect organisum that will snuff all of it's symbiotic hosts that it comes surrounded by contact with.

    It have be proven that cold medicine don't work, enjoy they worked for anyone reading this?

    the point about cold prescription is to treat symptoms. when it comes down to it, the larger part of virus is practically impossible to treat. in frequent cases you just keep on for it to self-resolve after supportive treatment.
    erm although i agree in some expressions with the below poster, there's no denying the proven improvements have guided us to better treatment not within terms of supportive diligence but of prevention, direct treatment of pathologies and/or prognosis. the twentieth century in adjectives terms be an accomplishment for medicine.
    yes, they sustain alleviate the symptoms
    Any disease left alone does one of three things: It get better, it gets worse or it stays equal.
    So if you use cold medicine and you procure better, it is just human to give attention to the treatment has something to do near the getting better (that's how tablets managed to survive centuries of human being practically useless - enough empire go better on their own to sustain the belief that prescription worked).
    That's why individual witness stories do not qualify for scientific proof - it is impossible to speak how that person would own fared in need treatment. Only statistics help you nearby, but statistics never convince anybody who believes in something.
    Some meds truly boost the immune system to fight the virus, but they own to be taken very soon after symptoms appear; and they solely speed up the recovery time.
    Trying to mull over of the names, some spray piece that's advertised on TV.
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  • It can be comprehensively very which PCRs(DNA fingerprints)of two individuals who not born from same parents?

    Because we’re face to an incident like that. I’m the only child from my parents. But I own a friend as like as a sister. She is elder than me to few years. She too is the one and only child from her parents as like me. Her & my family are not relations in anyway & even they do not know respectively other too. We know each other from our infancy above 18+ years. We can construe each other exceedingly well & we can sense respectively other too. During my studies, I have to study around of PCRs. So I got some genetic fingerprints to it including me & that my sister. While I do my studies, I compared them & I saw me & my sister’s genetic fingerprints are extraordinary the same as like fraternal twins. But I mentioned that we’re not born from same parents & she is elder than me above few years. I know this is full of contradictory near normal science concepts. But we’re sure nearly what that we have be seen & it’s complicated to us. How could it arise & how can elucidate it? That's a great, but importantly improbable ocurrence..
    DNA have a lot of repetitive sequences that crop up over and over again (called tandem repeats) that are present in the entire population but at different locations--they are essentially the person's genetic fingerprint.
    In establish to truly say that you and your sister's dna are similar, own you examined a third person's fingerprint and compared it.
    Even identical twins own different finger prints. You are just looking for similarities not the difference between them.

    Iss it ok ok to devour 20 plus valium a daytime??/??

    Quick answer: No, not without doctor approval.
    The smart-* answer: There's a object why Valium is a prescription drug and has a tamper-resistant sou`wester on it.
    Only if you like getting really sick
    Well, how high-ranking do you want to be before you die? Have a few shots of Jack Daniels after the valium-that'll fix you up.
    Do you anticipate 20 mil. a day? That would be ok if you split surrounded by up into 4 doses (5mil). I have done that for short time period.
    Maybe it's time to use something a little more powerfull, Perhaps Oxycotin, or even better Black pitch Heroin. these will have the result you are looking for.
    Absolutely not.
    you own a real problem.chronic benzodiazepine harm will result in addicition and debt need to see a doc, and why you entail to take valium anyway?

    Isn't the human brain too complex to know every single anatomy of it?

    anatomy or physiology/pathology/pharmacol.
    first one's a picnic, really.
    BTW, the below poster is absolutely correct, the 5% traffic is bollocks.
    Nothing's too complex given enough time to study, and we've be going at the brain for a few centuries now.
    knowing the anatomy of the brain - the physical structure of it - is no big settlement. Knowing what the gray mush does is a different story altogether.
    They tend to make generalization about areas of the brain. ie this is usually here. Eash brain is different but they adjectives tend to share the same characteristics.
    Absolutely and even the smartest personality in the world uses merely 5% of his her brain
    LOok at it this way. brain is 'too' complex and so it know every single anatomy of it..
    Like others said the anatomy is easy to swot. Its the physiology of the brain which is hard. And as for family only using 5%.thats a myth. Its be proven we use 100% of our brain.
    Not complex. It's easy surrounded by the term of anatomy but it complex contained by the term of physiology.
    Brains are rather hard to swot but not very. It's the electrical system that counts. And it is BS that we only use 5%.
    "If the human brain be simple enough to get the drift, we would be too simple to understand it." - Unknown (but not me)

    Isn't 0.2% smaller number than 10%, and if so wouldn't a RX (hydrocortisone) of 10% be more potent?

    Yes, it is less (specifically 1/50th) but man 50 times stronger may not translate into 50 times more effective, or even twice as successful. The .2% may be as strong as it needs to be to own an effect and "the rest of the strength", so to speak, may simply be wasted.
    Yes - 10% is more, however, more isn't other better.

    Is yell alot a sign of Bi-polar disorder?

    yelling is one form of expressing anger, if you own reasons to be angry, (frequently) it doesn't expect you have bi-polar disorder. if you own periods of thing and depression..better have urself checked by a licensed ppsychiatrist recommended by ur doctor.
    i don't know but going from one extreme to another is.
    No. It is a sign of PMS, though.
    'Nuff said?
    no probably stress is more close to it
    It can be a part of the "mania" piece of the vicious cycle. If you're wondering whether someone has it or not, look up the symptoms on webMD or something and afterwards watch to see if the personality matches those syptoms.
    You might consider a nouns of self control. Expressing anger can become a habit you can break. If it get too difficult see a doc. It's not uncommon. I believe it is a sign of depression, not necessarily Bi-polar. Chill, not necessitate to let this mess next to your life. If you own this kind of problem, get hold of help if you involve it. :)
    no, more like anger administration issues
    I am proud to be Bi Polar , are you Bi Polar ? I'm glad I'm not Bi Polar.
    It could be, but not necessarily.

    Is yawning contagious and why?

    I saw something on this said that if you yawn when other family yawn..your a sympathetic person. In my observe this..I've noticed it's category of true..particularly..nearby is a guy that I work with who NEVER yawns when he is around other inhabitants who are yawning. He is not a very sympathetic creature at all something like anything..kind of rude..or short..I don't know..not fundamentally people friendly. However my friend and I at work are severely sympathetic..and we always yawn at the other's yawn! :)
    Mythbusters did this a while backbone and they showed that it actually be contagious. You can probably find more info about it on their website.

    Is X-clomason affecting IQ and mental form?

    It seems to be affecting your Spelling.
    Yours: Grumpy
    it is chromosome if truth be told. X-chromosome only determines the sexual category (sex) of the offspring. XX chromosome duo denotes a female child and XY twosome denotes a male child.

    Is Wellbutrin XL a stimulant, depressant, or neither?

    Cause I missed my dose this morning and I feel extra depressed, can I filch it now? Will it save me up? u missed your max thats why your extra depressed
    A stimulant that treats depression. The best way to run Wellbutrin XL is one as soon as you get up and another one 8 hours after that. If you take it too belated, it will keep you up at hours of darkness.
    Wellbutrin XL is a stimulant that increases the dopamine level. It is other better to miss a dose rather than purloin it hours later. If you took the commonplace dose you would be fine though, you may be a little smaller amount tired.
    its Derpressant i guess as i understood from lots of culture in the depression forum. they articulate it kills the clan jewels and it sizzel the sausage and go away it with no corpulent :)) .
    why don't you try Paxil CR or paxil. don't take the generic coz it wont function as the brand . why i own no idea thats what i hered from individuals on the forum.
    hope you will feel flawless soon.
    love Ali 30 male Vancouver Canada.


    Especially since the can says if you hold contact with your skin, wipe up it off beside soap and water, I would articulate not
    I've heard of inhabitants spraying it on their knees and joints or stuff similar to that, but since the "official" use has zilch to do with food or drugs, I wouln't see a purpose why they would try to get the FDA's approval.
    Ha! I seriously doubt it.
    I believe you can use it as deodorant, but I could be wrong.
    What do you THINK? Of course not, we are not machines!

    Is vitamin C isolated from organs better for you than pure vitamin C made contained by laboratory?

    use the atomic theory to support your answer By organs, I assume you penny-pinching organisms or possibly even oranges. Vitamin C from fruit contains organic substances such as enzymes that your body uses to deliver the nutrient throughout your system.
    Vitamin C made within the laboratory is not pure vitamin, it is a chemical that has be manipulated to copy the form of Vitamin C. It has no enzymes. Most of it comes out surrounded by your urine rather than one used by your body.
    Therefore, yes. Natural vitamin C is much better for you than laboratory vitamin C.
    Vitamin C would not normally be isolated from "organs", maybe you mean oranges?
    The vitamin C is ascorbic sharp and was identified around 1930. It can be prepared via different synthetic routes from glucose, and the final product is identical to the untaught material.
    Sir Walter Haworth be awarded the 1937 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his synthesis.
    ascorbic sharp is ascorbic acid
    Adrenal cortex is he just organ having a concentrated Vitamin C . Atomic proposition and simple physics say concern or elements can neither be created nor destroyed. Ascorbic acid have a clear molecular structure and so any source is same.
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  • Is Vicodin a short or long acting Barbituate?

    Are Vicodin and Ambien in impossible to tell apart drug testing catogory? Vicodin isn't a barbituate. It is an opioid analgesic.anguish killer.
    you'll probably touch the effects of viccodin for about 4 hours, it may stay contained by your system for about 12 hours or so but you may not surface the buzz anymore
    No. Vicodin is a narcotic pain hired gun, and normally last for 4-6 hours depending on the strength. Ambien is a sleep medication. It's a hypnotic.
    Vicodin isn't a barbitualte, it is an opiate. Ambien isn't either one so no it is not contained by the same catagory.
    Vicodin is a narcotic: it is related to codeine. It is not a barbiturate at adjectives.
    Vicodin and Ambien (which is also not a barbiturate, by the way) are in totally different category, pharmacologically and in drug conducting tests..

    Is uterus transplantation possible?

    Many women don't have uterus because of conjenital defect or operations. For those who want to enjoy their child isn't possible to find a matching donor? very well, there are problems that may obverse a women who want to have uterus transplantation: first, find a donor who must own an ovulating uterus( usually age between 20-35 years old) and welling to donate.
    Second, the transplanted uterus must be similar the acceptor like blood group for example.
    Third, and most importantly is that the soul who got an organ transplanted usually bring medications to prevent organ rejection by the body and they filch it along their entire life, these medication are contraindicated in pregnancy so even if they get uterus transplanted, these medications may be destructive to the baby and may raison d`¨otre serious abnormalities .
    The practical solution for those women right presently is to find a surrogate mother who can carry the fertilized ova (from the artistic couple) in her uterus for 9 month till confer birth to the baby. I deliberate this is going to be an easier and to some extend a convenient solution.
    I dont believe so, you would hear about women have to get one.
    No, dont feel so.
    No, this procedure seems to be beyond our rank of technological advancement. Even if you get a transplanted uterus, the constant regime of immune-sepressing drugs would make it unusable as a baby-carying organ. You would be better bad finding a surrogate mother.
    in prescription everything is possible.but why do you want to have your own child ? can you not giving love to an adopt Child ' where is the difference between a n own and a n adopt child ? the genetic code or our own egoism..

    Is Urine Hygenically verbs?

    The answer could be a yes or a no! Urine is sterile before it exits the body. As soon as it exits the body its not longer sterile because it have come into contact with germs from the unrinary tract and the vagina/penis (which normally own some bacteria residing within them weather harmful or not).
    Urine is sterile.
    yea what he said.
    and why are u asking?!
    resourcefully i'd think so because remember adjectives those people that get trapped in a snow or a mountain or somewhere else. they adjectives say, when they didn't hold water, they drank it. so not with the sole purpose is it clean (it cleans your glands and intestines), but it's also a lifesaver.
    if its your own ,that you drink ,it should be alright. Although seriously of people drink other peoples.An expert doktor assures me that it combats a widespread range of deseases.All kids instinctively know it cures stinging netles, and assorted animal and plant poisons.
    And in the bible it save Moses and his people from dying of thirst.To know for sure i would recomend you drink your own urine first .But put it within the fridge first or add some rime cubes.If nothing doomed to failure happens run for it .It should be quite cheap to take at you local urinals,Although personally i chew over its disgusting and the smell makes me vomit.But hey respectively to his own live and let live.
    haha, what the hell? urine is NOT hygenic or verbs. It has adjectives the chemically altered "trash" from your body. 99% of water get reabsorbed in your kidney, so their is no hose in in that. Their is broken down amino acids, etc.
    Also. their is a whole lot of microbes.
    MONZ is correct it is sterile until it leaves your body unless there is an infection going on upinthere

    is really free?

    is there anything fruitless about the website that i should know almost is probably actually free, but it is crooked to download copywrited music/movies/etc, without express consent from the copyright owner. The way that these sites, which give free downloads, work is they are a P2P(person to person) service which is not illegal. That is how they are competent to claim that the service is legal (which it is) but downloading music(as stated above) short permission from the copyright holder, is unlawful.

    is umbilical strangulation like as lifeless man's syndrome?

    Actually, you're not as far off as the others conjecture. There is a true medical theory that babies that own what is called "nuchal cord" (their umbilical cords wrapped around their neck) at birth, enjoy a higher rate of suicide by strangulation when they grow up. It's not that they own a higher rate of suicide, but if they are to commit suicide later it is said they may be up to 5 times more likely to do it by flaccid themselves.
    I'm not sure if it is really true, but I heard it within one of my medical classes. I don't think the research have been fully done to prove it.
    Where do you citizens come up with this stuff. I suppose it would be why you know some one who be stangled in at hand mothers woumb? Get a life

    is ultrasonographyof any convenience contained by assessing pregnancy during 3rd week?what structures might be proverbial?

    really nothing at the third week it is in recent times a dot
    Please see the webpages for more details on Pregnancy ultrasound (Obstetric ultrasonography).
    too early..don't squander your money or your insurance companys.
    Another 2 weeks will give you a divine picture and you might be able to gain a early sex determination.
    Good luck!